FunkyPiece's online store carries a wide range of vaporizers for dry herb, concentrates and the very popular 510 thread cartridges. We have a large selection of vapes to fit all budgets. Some of the top rated vaporizers include the Pax 3, DaVinci and Puffco Plus. Browse our selection of table top and portable, pen style vaporizers below.
While many smokers are familiar with the idea of a vaporizer because of e-liquid vapes, there are also plenty of amazing weed vapes on the market. There are three types of vapes: dry herb vapes, concentrate vapes and cartridge vapes. Concentrate vapes let users vape oils, waxes and other non-liquid concentrates. Herb vaporizers use heating elements to gently heat your herb to produce vapor. Finally, a cartridge vape is a pen style battery that is used to power most 510 threaded cartridges. Regardless of your method of consumption, we have a wide selection of vaping devices and accessories that offer incredible quality and value.
FunkyPiece's online store carries a wide range of vaporizers for dry herb, concentrates and the very popular 510 thread cartridges. We have a large selection of vapes to fit all budgets. Some of the top rated vaporizers include the Pax 3, DaVinci and Puffco Plus. Browse our selection of table top and portable, pen style vaporizers below.
While many smokers are familiar with the idea of a vaporizer because of e-liquid vapes, there are also plenty of amazing weed vapes on the market. There are three types of vapes: dry herb vapes, concentrate vapes and cartridge vapes. Concentrate vapes let users vape oils, waxes and other non-liquid concentrates. Herb vaporizers use heating elements to gently heat your herb to produce vapor. Finally, a cartridge vape is a pen style battery that is used to power most 510 threaded cartridges. Regardless of your method of consumption, we have a wide selection of vaping devices and accessories that offer incredible quality and value.